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During our 30+ years of guiding organizations through change, we’ve discovered that there are four fundamental skills needed to drive transformation. We have designed a series of skill development sessions to introduce these skills and practice addressing the challenges you face. 




Collective thinking and wisdom from multiple stakeholders is needed to address today’s challenges and future opportunities. These skill sessions prepare leaders for the shared responsibility of surfacing and leveraging diverse perspectives and generating optimal solutions.

The skill sessions in this series prepare participants for the work involved
with leading change and transformation across the organization. Participants are steeped in the essential and fundamental skills needed to secure sponsorship, appropriately engage stakeholders and manage resistance to change.


The pace of change requires constant attention to making strategic choices in response to the external environment. Specifically, this skill series prepares leaders to manage complex dilemmas, spot inflection points, and develop strategic positions in the face of uncertainty

Healthy conversations increase the speed at which good decisions are made, lead to greater alignment behind those decisions, ensure timely execution and minimize the time spent revisiting or rehashing issues. This skill series prepares leaders to engage in productive conversations with their teams, leaders, and cross-functional peers.



Shared Leadership
& Dialogue

Series Overview 

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